
Contract. You can find all questions and answers related to the term of „contract“. If you have more questions on this matter, please feel free to ask a new question.
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What is a remote working? How could i start remote job?

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Remote working is a form of work organizing, in which the employee performs his tasks remotely, that is, at home. Such form of work may apply only to a limited number of tasks, during certain working hours or on a full-time basis from the date of signature of the employment contract. Remote work requires a computer and an Internet network, as by agreement, tasks to the workplace are sent via the Internet.


Hello, what is an illegal job? How would you describe it?

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An illegal job is an activity, which comes as an contrary to some of labour laws. This type of work is usually done without a contract of employment or all its terms are discussed only verbally. Payment for illegal activities shall be made in the form of an envelope or a cash payment (“in hand”). Illegal employment can be understood as assistance, economic unregistered activity, family member’s work.


I try to look for a job at home, but i've read that there are lots of scam

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Bernard, thank you for a post. Yes, it is true that there are many scam jobs on the internet, specially when the job is at home. Don't forget to write some contract about the job you'll work, otherwise you can be caught by scammers. There are many legal jobs from home, just you have to choose right company before you start a job, check documents, sign contract, deal about the payment and exact terms. Be careful, but don't be afraid - move forward!


Hello, could you maybe provide me with some information about deposit? How would you describe the meaning of deposit?

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Good day, thanks for the question. Deposit is a particular sum of money, which is paid by one party of the contract, to the other. Deposit could be named as a certain contract fortification, like a guarantee, that the terms of the contract will be respected to. Deposit performs three functions: payment (in situation like this, it is a sum of money, used to pay for some services or pay off a debt); proof (to put it simple, deposit is put as a proof, that the contract is successfully concluded); assurance (when the deposit is paid to ensure a smooth contract execution).
